Diana ,a girl of 20 . A snobbish and choosy girl but pure hearted who loves to live her life herself. She wants complete freedom. She has a diary in which she wrote what happened to her within the day. She lacks good friends in which she can confide. According to her , Her parents overreact when she try to talk to them.
Her father is a Doctor and her mother is a Teacher .
Diana - It was a good day in my college . I submitted my projects on time . I am very happy today .
Mrs. Frankfurt - Good Honey , Keep it up!
Diana - I am tired and hungry too . It is already 8 of evening . Mom , where is my dinner (Screaming)
Mrs. Frankfurt - Wait for your father , honey . he will be here at any moment .
Diana - I can't wait anymore . Give me the supper .
Diana's mother - Wait for your father , honey . We will take dinner together.
Diana - 😤😤😤😤😤
Knock Knock ......................
Diana - Who is at the door ?(She asked furiously)
Diana's mother - Calm honey , It will be your father.
Knock Knock increases reluctantly ...........
(Diana's mother open the door )
Diana's father - Out of breathe and terrified , Why you took so much time in opening the door. (Hurriedly closes the door)
Diana - What's in your hand , father. Why are u hiding it?
Diana's father - Nothing , Darling . (He asked his wife to not open the main door if knock until he arrive. He still hide his hand and ran into the wash room . ) Have you taken your dinner ?
Diana's mother -No , We were waiting for u ?
Diana's father - (Still goosebumps and frightened ) Let us begin then.
Diana's mother - How was your day ?
Diana's father - It was good (But something is wrong with him)
(The 3 went to there room after dinner . Diana have her room on the 1st floor . They have 3 rooms in there house . Diana starts writing in her diary about her day and slept at 10 PM)
(At night , she heard some bullets being fired . She palpitated and frightened and went to his parents room Where she saw .........)
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